It's a little hard to see but it was pretty swollen, for a wrist, and it's all red and purple and blue. I got xrays later that day and was told there weren't any fractures. Well that's good. But here's what it looked like 4 days after injury:
Nice and purple huh? Nasty. But the swelling was going down so I figured it's getting better. I just kept icing it and alternating with heat whenever I could. It seemed a lot like the injury I had to my right wrist last year. Though this one had more discoloration initially. A week or two went by and it seemed to be getting better. I was able to ride for the most part if it was taped up, but it would be pretty sore after a rough MTB ride. I wanted it to keep getting better so I danced the line between time off the bike and trying not to loose too much performance. And it was going ok, until one day I while I was driving I reached back behind the seat in the car to push something back that had fallen over, kind of flicking it with that hand and SNAP! Ohh that didn't feel good. This was not the same injury that I had to the right side last year. When that one would pop it was a release and would feel better. And this was more of a snap, not a pop. And after that it seemed to feel warm. Hmmm... but this stubborn guy didn't go back to the doctor. Just kept icing, wrapping, taping, etc. in the hopes it will get better.
Well now almost two months after injury it's not any better. You know that little "divot" on the underside of the wrist at the base of the thumb? Well it's not there on my left wrist, and it seems like a bone is protruding out where it's not supposed to. Time to go see the orthopedist... we'll see how that goes. I'm just tired of going to the doctor lately, just keep reading...
Now lets back track a little to early April, the 13th to be exact. The week of the Sea Otter Classic. I raced the Wednesday night Prairie City Race Series and was feeling really good, taking the win. After the race I put away the Tallboy and hopped on the "cone bike" to help pick up the race course like I usually do. I was about to set off when Brian, the race promoter, said to me "Hey they rolled the Rhino, you should go check it out." I figured maybe they needed help putting it back on its wheels or something. They just pick up the cones on the course too so it probably wasn't a big deal. "Where are they?" I asked. Brian was on the radio to them and said "Over by the kids moto track." Then I asked the question I just figured I should but wasn't really necessary... "Is everyone ok?"
Brian: "Jen's foot got squished."
Me: "($&!#)"
Prior to that I don't even think I knew Jen was out on the Rhino. But she does go out as a passenger to help pick up the cones frequently so it wasn't too big of a surprise. I tore off in the direction of the kids moto track, trying to remember what part of that night's race course went by there that would be so rugged to cause a rollover. Going as fast as I could, but not very fast (dang cone bike is a single speed!), I spun my legs frantically feeling like a mouse on a running wheel and finally got over to where I thought they'd be. (insert cricket chirps) There was nobody there. I looped around a little to make sure I didn't miss them, scanning the area and nothing. So I wheeled back to the venue area at about 130 rpm and as I rolled up I saw the flashing lights of the park ranger truck down the hill, maybe only a quarter mile from the venue. I ditched the stupid cone bike for the Tallboy and sprinted down the hill. As I got closer I could see the Rhino still on its right (passenger) side and that Jen was still on the ground being tended to by the Renee, the event EMS. As I skidded in, Jen was on her back with her foot splinted and elevated on a medical bag. There was nothing I could do except comfort her. She was in pain, quite a bit. Her foot was bluish purple but I wasn't sure how much of that was because with the wind chill it seemed like it was in the 40's. Her foot didn't look "squished" to me, but it was obviously bad considering how much pain she was in and she did NOT want anyone to touch it, or her, or the bag it was on, or really look at it wrong. I tried to distract her by telling her that her pedicure still looked good (she just got it the night before, and that's a rare occasion). I think she giggled. I asked what happened to the general vicinity, and I'm not sure who responded if it was Jen, or Kelly the driver, probably a combination of both. Jen missed grabbing a cone as they moved along because the front wheel of the Rhino hit it, so when they made the left U-turn to go back and get it, the Rhino rolled onto the right side. In the split second and seemingly slow motion process, Jen instinctively put her foot out, as you would on a bike or motorcycle, to protect her head from hitting the ground. We keep telling ourselves that thankfully the Rhino only landed on her foot.
The ambulance finally arrived and loaded her up to take her to the ER. They wouldn't let me ride in with her, which I thought was odd. So I loaded up the bike in the car and followed them to UC Davis Med Center. I went in to the ER waiting area and asked the front desk if I could go in and be with my wife who just came in via ambulance. She said no because my wife isn't in the system yet. Ahhh!!! I asked if I would have ridden in with them would it be any different and she said no. I went back to the car and ate the couple oranges I had and grabbed all of the Hammer Bars I had stashed, figuring it was going to be a long night. I went back in and asked the front desk girl if Jen was "in the system" yet and she replied, "Oh she's in C21/22, that's bad." Oh great! After a minute of getting me signed in I was able to go back and entered a big room with massive overhead lights and blood spots on the floor. I hope those were from the previous guy! But Jen wasn't in the room, just one nurse who told me they had taken her to get more xrays. I saw that there was an xray of a foot already on one of the monitors and I asked if that was Jen's. It was, so I snapped a photo:
I'm an eternal optimist, so it didn't look THAT bad from what I could tell. I was still waiting for Jen to come back from xray and I discovered the ER had wifi. So I emailed the xray photo to our parents (who I had called on the way to the hospital). Jen finally got wheeled back in. She was doing ok and in good spirits considering. She said the EMT in the ambulance couldn't find a pulse in her foot so she was brought in as a level 1 trauma and there were at least 15 people waiting for her in that room when she got wheeled in. They swarmed over her with amazing efficiency and before she knew it she was hooked up to everything and her clothes had been cut off. They had determined that she was getting circulation to her foot and was stable so we were moved to another smaller room to await the test results. Hours went by and a CT was taken as well. The Orthopedic docs in the ER came by and kept messing with her foot asking if she could feel this and that and if it hurt when they did this. Even over all the pain meds she was in a lot of pain, but they kept messing with it. They said she might need surgery right away, so she couldn't eat anything. All she could have was a water soaked sponge-on-a-stick that I had ready whenever she needed it. I finished all my Hammer Bars (cashew coconut chocolate chip is really good!), trying not to make her hungry and eat them quietly. They ended up putting on a MASSIVE temporary split/cast thing in the ER. I thought they called it a "Bulky Johnson" and in my sleep deprived state I resorted to juvenile humor and laughed. But I think it's called a "Bulky Jones" and it was all in my head. Oh well, at 4am in the ER I think I'm allowed to giggle at the voices in my head right? Jen got discharged from the ER at maybe 5am or so and officially admitted to the hospital. They ended up not doing surgery and just keeping her for evaluation. She got set up with a nice room on the 5th floor by the window so that was cool. She fell asleep after a while and I went down to the awesome cafeteria to get my post race meal, about 14hrs after the race. I powered down the biggest salad I could make and about half of a rotisserie chicken! Jen was doing ok and was finally discharged to go home at about 2:30pm.
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Happy to be going home. Look at that huge splint! |
Ok time to make this long story a little shorter. We're set up with an awesome Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Yoo, with UCD. She has a Lisfranc injury, complicated by numerous fractures. He showed us the CT scan which basically shows the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th metatarsal and 1st thru 3rd cuneiform bones being shattered on the bottom side. An MRI was taken to determine the ligament damage as well. Thankfully some of the crucial ligaments are still intact! Which is great news for recovery. But there are some that are ruptured. Since it is nearly impossible to repair the fragmented bones on the bottom of the foot without causing additional damage, the plan is to let the body heal them and fuse them together naturally, then see how it goes from there. However she did need surgery on the 1st metatarsal, and that was done on the 5th of May.
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Getting the nerve block put in, ready for surgery. Very happy to have SOMETHING being fixed! |
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The new hardware. |
So needless to say, daily life changed for me since this happened. I missed Sea Otter for the first time in years, but my #1 priority needed me so that was a no brainer. I don't make a living off of racing bikes, so training and racing have taken a back seat for a while. I'm happy that I can be there for her and take care of her, but it's been hard because she's very independent. Both of our cars are manual transmission so she can't even drive. Until this last week when our friends went on vacation and have let us borrow their automatic car to see if she could drive left footed. She's able to drive herself to work and back which is awesome, but is uncomfortable going much farther than that. This has also allowed me to ride to work and get back to a fairly normal riding schedule too, which I'm thankful for. I'll keep racing where I can, probably staying more local to save on time and expenses. Hopefully my wrist will hold up too.
If you got this far... thanks for reading and for caring :-)